Abortion is…
Being inhumane for the sake of humanity,
Being insane for the sake of your sanity,
Being nothing but vane, to give into your vanity.
Abortion is…
Destroying our innocence, and our rights
Taking them from all those too weak to fight.
Abortion, in this country, kills 300 a night.
Abortion is…
A ‘band-aid’ solution,
Protected by the constitution.
It’s simply execution.
Abortion is…
Building a nation,
With no respect for gestation,
And undermining creation.
Abortion is…
Being inhumane for the sake of humanity,
Being insane for the sake of your sanity,
Being nothing but vane to give into your vanity.
Abortion is…
When someone abuses,
What a woman produces.
Filling her with excuses.
Abortion is…
Advocated by those who are already born,
Never subjected to the pain and the scorn,
Only forced upon our current unborn.
Abortion is…
Hurting our sister, mother or wife,
Causing nothing but strife.
And ending a life.
“I've noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born.” – Ronald Reagan
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