
"Say Word!"
November 8, 2009
"Say Word!" is back for its second year at Brebeuf! We are currently looking for artists, layout designers as well as contributors for our next publication! If you, or anyone you know, has any experience in any of these fields please email timothykeslick.sayword@gmail.com

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"Say Word!" Anthology Published

June 25, 2009

We would like to congratulate all "Say Word!" contributors for having their works published in "Say Word!"'s first student-written anthology, which was recently published. The anthology has been a huge success, with many compliments going out to all poets, writers, and and spoken word artists.

If you have yet to pick up your copy, please email Timothy Keslick (timothykeslick@gmail.com) and he will be able to forward you a date and time when you can pick up your copy.

All contributors will receive one free copy of the anthology, and if family members or friends would like to purchase one, they may do so for $2.00. 100% of the proceeds will go to the charities mentioned on the "Our Causes" Page of the website and anthology.

Special thanks to: Ms. M. Rasciauskas, who acted as a teacher moderator for the group, Mr. M. Da Costa, who assisted the group during the publishing process, and Ms. C. Pieroni and her students, for contributing inspiring artwork for the anthology.

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"Say Word!" Anthology 

May 15, 2009

"Say Word!" would like to thank all its members who have contributed numerous pieces of poetry, prose, spoken word, and rap to the group. We appreciate all of your amazing contributions. Because of the numerous pieces of work, we are able to begin discussing the publishing process of the "Say Word!" Anthology.

Our next  few meetings will be crucial as there, with Mr. Da Costa (who is assisting us with the publishing process), we can begin planning the layout, and content of the anthology.

Hope to see you all there!

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"Say Word!" Design-A-Logo Contest

April. 16, 2009

Calling all artists! Calling all artists! "Say Word!" is currently in the process of finding a logo to be used to represent the group, as well as to be used on the "Say Word!" t-shirts (coming soon!).

Because "Say Word!" is a group by youth, for youth, we have decided to begin a "Design-A-Logo" contest, open to the youth of Brebeuf College, in order to find the perfect logo.

All submissions are to be scanned and emailed to Timothy Keslick (
timothykeslick.sayword@gmail.com). Please make sure all submissions are received no later than May 22nd, 2009. 
You will receive an email response from Timothy Keslick to ensure that your submission was received. If you do not receive a reply, please contact Ms. Rasciauskas (in Room 203) or Timothy Keslick and inform them of the issue.

For a complete list of contest rules, and deadlines, click here

The winner of the contest will have their logo placed on all "Say Word!" t-shirts, as well as on posters and pamphlets used to represent "Say Word!" 


Good luck to everyone!

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"Say Word!" Discussion Forum

April. 2, 2009

"Say Word!" would like to thank Daniel Seddon, a "Say Word!" member and contributor, for creating and moderating an online forum for the organization. There you can find topics concerning pieces of work featured on the site, as well as a place for general discussion about the organization and the charities we are advocating for!

To visit the "Say Word!" forum, please click here

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Brebeuf College School "SAY'S WORD!"

April. 2, 2009

Brebeuf College School held its first meeting for the "Say Word!" writing club on Monday, March 30th, and it was a HUGE success! With a total of twenty-seven members in attendance, as well as other students who expressed interest in "Say Word!" but were unable to attend the meeting, "Say Word!" at Brebeuf is off to a great start!


A special shout-out goes to Ms. Martin for providing the space, as well as the electronic equipment, we needed to host the meeting, as well a Ms. Rasciauskas, our teacher moderator, for supervising! We'd also like to thank all those in attendance for showing your support!

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