1. All contest entries are to be scanned and/or submitted to timothykeslick.sayword@gmail.com no later than Friday, May 22nd, 2009
  2. Multiple entries may be submitted, with a maximum of 5 entries submitted by one person.
  3. All contest entries are to be original designs; no outside help is allowed. In the case that any submission has created by someone other than the person entering the contest their entry will not count, and any other entries will be disqualified (despite originality of content).
  4. No nude, vulgar, racist, sexist, or profane images/text on any submission will be accepted. If a logo is submitted with unacceptable content, the principal will be notified and the student dealt with accordingly.
  5. Submissions can either be hand drawn, or created using other media (i.e. computer generated, collages, etc.)
  6. All submissions are to be made by Brebeuf College School Students, or other contributors to "Say Word!"
  7. Be sure to include your name, Grade, and homeroom teacher with your email submission.
  8. The winner will have their logo used for "Say Word!" publications (i.e. posters, pamphlets) as well as for "Say Word!" t-shirts! The winner will also receive a free "Say Word!" t-shirt.
  9. Two runners-up will have their logos featured on "Say Word!" publications (i.e. posters, pamphlets).
  10. Any contest entrant who does not agree to the above terms and conditions will be unable to participate.

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