Do you ever stop and think how lucky you might be

To be living in a home with a loving family

Do you ever stop and wonder what it might feel like

To be living on the streets on dark and stormy nights


31,985 people in Toronto are homeless

And we cannot even go a day being phoneless

4,779 children are not able to go to school

While we still attend but act like a fool


I have a story to share with you

And hope its message will shine through

May you be kind to all those around

Because you never know what you have found


I see a homeless man sitting on the street

Looking down at his tired old feet

He must have been walking all day long

I sit beside him to hear his song


He tells me of the places that he has been

And shares the stories of things he’s seen

I try to listen with an open mind

Maybe all he wants is someone to be kind


He looks into my eyes and begins to smile

You’re the first to talk to me in such a long while

Do you mind if I tell you about my life

Or do you not care to hear about my strife.


I assure the man that I want to know

How his life became like so

The look in his eyes filled me with tears

I could see right through him, straight to his fears


He begins to tell me about his home

“Everywhere, nowhere, I’m all alone

If only people could understand

That all I need is a helping hand”


I thought to myself that God has a plan

I am the one called to save this man

God is asking me to be his friend

To help him through, for his loneliness to end


I tell the man to come home with me

Instantaneously he dropped to his knees

I tell him “You are a being, a person, not to be ignored”

And to this day I thank the Lord


For I was lonely too and needed a guide

God came to my rescue and stood by my side

He helped me to see the love shine through

As a result, my faith, it grew


So, I owe it all to God for helping me see

That life may not always be easy

But if we have a friend, we will get through

I made friends with a homeless man, who knew?


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