For you who gave no food to eat,

Who left me there to starve;

For you who gave no cup to drink,

And you know who you are;


For you who left me naked there;

You know not what you do

For you I throw my life away,

I scar my wrists for you


I'd scar myself a thousand-fold

I'd die for you again;

No love on earth exceeds the love

In dying for a friend


And you who did not care for me,

Or visit me in jail,

For you my heart and soul are scathed;

For you I will prevail


And when I was a foreigner,

No home, I roamed about,

For you who did not welcome me,

For you my hands bleed out


Now place your fingers in my wrists

And put them in my side

And some of you may come to know

The reason that I died


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