And distribute words of wisdom in the shape of a dove
  Attempting to cause an emotional and spiritual shove
  By hiding a thought provoking message in the words thereof
  Knowledge is the key to debate issues
  And the moral decisions that people constantly misuse
  Because people don't think for themselves and allow the media to
  A new but old communism which they constantly overproduce
  They fill our mind with death and sorrow
  Dare to ask if negative news can wait until tomorrow
  Because going to bed with pessimistic images is bad for your health
  It's like jacked up meth that'll make your brain melt
  But the funny thing is that people seem to care more about their wealth
  And it won't click until they grow old and reflect on all the pain
  they felt
  I constantly tell people to slow down and tie their lace
  Instead of running at life face to face
  Because life is short and so many people try to cut to the chase
  When all they need to do is take things pace by pace
  This message goes out to my people, the human race

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