He told you I'm inhuman, because I cannot see.

You don't need eyes to see through his lies!

Don't abandon me.


He told you I'm inhuman, because I cannot hear.

But heed my voice: make the right choice!

If you love me, mother dear.


He told you I'm inhuman because a nose, I've not.

But in his breath, the stench of death!

Insidious, his plot.


He told you I'm inhuman because I cannot taste.

Your mind, concrete; I taste defeat.

But you're the one disgraced.


He told you I'm inhuman, because I cannot feel.

He's wrong again; I feel the pain

Of instruments of steel.   


He told you I'm inhuman, and then you broke my heart.

But don’t cry for me, for now I see

What humans really are.


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