A Societal mindset, a God we don’t know yet and you’re the man with the potential to change it all
But nobody wants to pick up the phone, answer that call
Instead we wake up to a reality we know isn’t right,
Roll over and hide from the light
Turn away from the persecuted, the ridiculed, the forgotten
Just forget every war you never fought in
No one ever changed the world by following the rules
But follow them and you can live a happy life, surrounded by tools
Study hard; agree with everything they teach in our schools
Welcome to the limelight, it’s your turn to shine
Nothing to say, no question for the folks back home?
Excuse me while I fix my hair, grab my comb
You’re saying you like the status quo, the decadence, the west
Capitalism works for you, huh?
Well if it’s good for you, don’t worry about the rest
They’re just another pest
Like a frozen blackberry or a slow download
Someone turn off the computer, got ourselves an overload
Of sensory information, no need for a destination
It’s okay if you stay right here, it’s encouraged, don’t worry
Never mind, seems you’re in a hurry
Another meeting, a plane to catch
There goes your beeper, seems Man U won the match
Isn’t that so important? Your life is so tough when they lose, isn’t it?
Horrible and depressing, oh no
Too bad, just have to go home and live by the status quo
Don’t worry about questions, those are hard
Relax, practice your vices, and give yourself a break
Another swig of the beer, a turn of the card
Have a KitKat
‘Cause of course, you’re where it’s at
The weekend just never comes fast enough
But you relax with just one puff
See where our society goes
Individualistic, fattening, and petty woes
How many children died of malnutrition today?
How many more have nowhere to play,
Except for on the shallow graves of their family?
And this makes sense to you?
Those 300 text messages you sent today are so much more important, right?
LOL, omg man :P
Forget that justice isn’t served, or that nobody wants to fight the good fight
Don’t tackle the hard issues, the sensitive ones
Like race, or religion, or why we have all these guns
Just let it be, like the beatles
Isn’t Paul so handsome, Ringo so funny?
Of course they’re great, let’s give them buckets of money
More than some countries have in their economy
Starving children mean nothing compared to my autonomy
So run your idea by me
What were you saying?
Oh yeah, something about stress
Too much work, got to avoid this mess
I hear you
Too bad there’s also a few billion dying people wailing in my ear
I guess you’ll just have to deal with all the problems of your life all on your own
Poor you
Wake up world