Closer, closer, hear my voice,

Before I lay me down to sleep.

With no regrets, I do rejoice,

So smile with me and do not weep.


Whisper, whisper, dearest one,

My time is up, no one’s to blame.

For time’s the passing of the sun,

And life is but a candle’s flame.


Candle, candle burning bright,

Observe its fire fade and rise.

Both of us have fought the fight,

And now, we’ll say our last goodbyes.


Quickly, quickly, see the sign;

For not a lot of time remains.

Son, I’m proud to call you mine,

But now, behold, the candle wanes.


Father, Father, hear my prayer,

I simply ask of you these things:

Watch over him while I’m not there,

And raise me up on eagle’s wings.


Listen, listen to the sky,

I hear the angels call my name.

And when at last I close my eyes,

A gentle wind does quell the flame.

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