It’s My body
That’s right, Mine
Not My mother’s, not My father’s, though they gave it to Me
Not yours, though you admire it
Mine. My Gift. My Vessel. My
The only control you have over it is what I choose to give to you
You can’t tell me how to dress it
How I should view it
Who has access to it
What I should do with it
Those are not your decisions.
They are Mine.
My body is not an object
I refuse to let you turn it into one
It does not exist for your sexual pleasure
It does not exist to give birth
It does not exist as a possession that you can purchase from someone else
It does not exist to as a political statement, for you to argue about what rights I have to it
Who are you to tell me what rights I have?
It’s My body
You have no right to My body
You have no right to make me ashamed of it
You have no right to make me embarrassed by it
You have no right to make me hate it
Or want to change it
Why is My body so important to You anyway?
Leave it alone, it’s not yours
It’s Mine.
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