Today’s the day the world would see
An innocent man killed wrongfully.
He’d carry His coffin to the point of His death
And would cry for help until His last breath.

He’d walk among the skulls of the dead
And would be left dying with a crown on His head.
He’d be persecuted for righteousness sake,
And His clothes and His garments His killers would take.

A nail in His coffin would be right by His feet,
And soon enough His Father He’d meet.
His dying requests would be denied
And all He’d have is a wound on His side.

Two nails would be placed by each of His hands,
And soon He’d reach His promised land.
One last time the world would behold
The man who shared the greatest words told.
He’d tilt His head, would look at the sky
To find the reason why He had to die.
The reason would be to die for this earth
So we would know how much we’re all worth. 

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