These politicians, most of the stuff they’re they have us WATCHIN IS BOGUS I never meant to STOP N’ EXPOSE THIS, but the only “Bush needed in history” was the one when Jesus was TALKIN TA MOSES!
Well all have different ways of COPING WITH DRAMA but I’m not even JOKING, OBAMA said as a kid he was SMOKIN THE GANJA! (sounds like a good president!)
I keep thinking to myself MAN, IM DONE, STOP! Or I’ll say something that’s a SCAM OR DUMB, WATCH! Or perhaps SLANDER, UMM.. *STOPS*, f’get it, nevermind.. I guess “Linkin” was alright… if you’re a FAN OF PUNK ROCK!
And Parliament? It seems like everyone in that BULDIN’S DIZZY or FEELIN’ SILLY if they think “Franklin was amazing”.. its because his books kept their CHILDREN BUSY.. (?)
To be honest, they’re all all FAKEST GEEKS, that feed us so many “stories” they’re almost MAKE BELIEVE, but anyways its also kind of GREAT TO SEE that theres a guy named Al “Gore” ..but he tries to “SAVE” THE TREES.. (lol?)
Plus politicians are boring, its like they RE-JECT THE HIP FOLKS with such “frail and old” ideas you could almost SEE-THAT THE HIPS BROKE and if your trying to “Get a straight answer outta em?”… you might as well try to get a T-REX TO SKIP ROPE!!
So much hidden information and they’re GAURDING THE FACTS and our laws, they’re getting “Softer and softer” like rolls of CHARMIN R’ STACKED and everyone has the nerve to say “MacDonad did a lot for this country!” yeah… if your either STARVING OR FAT!
They take our money for WAR OR RICHES if they were gone I wouldn’t be SORE OR MISS IT if “Cabinet was gone” the only thing I’d be concerned about was where to STORE THE DISHES!
And Harper? How are we supposed to TRUST THE BLOKE he’s just a BLUFF, A BOAST. We really should “stand up” for politics, because its SUCH A “JOKE”!