Why is it that we are never willing to share our true feelings with one another?
Why, when we have something to say, we bite our tongues hoping not to hurt someone's feelings; letting another person hurt them for us?
Have we truly become such a society where we put limits on our expression, for the safety of others and ourselves?
Though all this is true, I am no better than it. I am a victim; a victim of silence.
I remain silent when someone does something I know is wrong; in fear of dissenting away from the crowd's misguided direction.
I remain silent when someone does something I know is rude, and irate; in fear of losing my job, and reputation.
I remain silent when someone does something that is utterly crude and annoying; just to prevent myself from being thought of as rude, or odd, for bringing it up.
I, too, remain silent.
Though I am working on this increasingly growing problem, with little success, I assure you I am working on it.
Though I may come across as being rude, odd, misguided or any other adjective with a negative connotation given to it by our "silent society", I really don't care; or
at least, I will try not to.
We must go against the unwritten rules of our society if it means having our freedom of speech taken seriously.
We must never be silent.
Remember, "
Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself."
Sincerely signed,
***While "Say Word!" encourages everyone to express themselves we ask that, when submitting comments, please use appropriate language (i.e. no profanity, foul/vulgar language, etc.). Also, when submitting a comment about a particular piece, please be sure to include the name of the piece/article you are commenting on!***