Today I walked the city’s streets

Where people lived but couldn't eat.

Starvation plagued a wealthy zone,

So people’s pain remained unknown.


And yet we eat three meals a day

While they all stare at empty trays.

We take for granted what we own

And these things are, to them, unknown.


But can’t you see it?

If not, feel it?

We know you know it,

Yet you don’t change it.


And they’re all screaming, calling out.

Still, you cannot hear them shout.

They may live in poverty,

But we are deaf and cannot see.


Today the city streets I roam

And witness some without a home.

No shelter from the pouring rain.

No justice cures their growing pain.


We have a roof above our head

While people sleep without a bed.

So will we ever help the poor

Or house their pain forever more?


Can’t you see it?

If not, feel it?

We know you know it,

Yet you don’t change it.


And they’re all screaming, calling out.

Still, you cannot hear them shout.

They may live in poverty,

But we are deaf and cannot see.


Years have passed, and still the same.

No matter what, we’re still to blame.

We have enough to change this state.

Let’s do it now. No need to wait.

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