It is not just the hugs and kisses,
It is not just the evening walks,
More than the time spent together,
Or even the late night talks.
Beyond every "i love you" and "i miss you",
And beyond every love song given to each other
It is about the little butterflies you experience,
And the chills that hit every last part of your spine
When you think of that special someone,
You would never dare to say goodbye
And if tear rolled down their cheek
You had to return and turn those tears to tears of joy
It is how you would schedule your day around them,
Just to see that person, even if it is for a minute.
It is how you would burst out into historical laughter,
When your ticklish spot get invaded
It is how you would give her a dozen red roses
For no special occasion, except for simply being with you
Even best when you know how to make the flowers from paper
So they can last forever, like my love for you.
They can make your heart beat fast and slow, within seconds
They can make you feel lonely by not picking up their phone
They can make you feel sympathetic after a hurtful argument
Or when they have finally decided to become "just friends"
And how torn and broken up you feel afterwards,
And how much you want to cry and scream.
It is the little things that make your heart beat so fast,
And your thoughts running with raw emotion,
And your soul telling you they are worthy of trust
It is your heart beating in that "special moment" with that "special someone". . .
. . .That is Love